What are briquette shapes?

C.F. Nielsen has the ability to make many different shapes, types and forms of briquettes, which is adapted to the specific market inquiries from the different countries.

In most countries, customers prefer to have regular round (cylindrical) briquettes in Ø75 or Ø90 mm. This is our “standard” briquette shape and for most markets, these sizes work perfectly well. Whether or not our customers prefer our Ø75 or Ø90mm, depends very much on the traditional fuel that has been used for domestic heat. As an example in Ireland, peat briquettes have always been very popular and these have been burned in relatively small woodstoves. As a consequence most customers ask for the smaller Ø75mm briquette in Ireland.

Pizza briquettes

In UK they like to have holes in the briquettes simply because of marketing purposes. The market has over the years been used to using screw extrusion briquettes, which has holes in them, because of the tip of the screw that naturally creates the hole. Thererfore we are often asked to supply briquetting lines that can make holes in the end product. Even though the briquettes are a little easier to ignite it is not due to practical reasons but in fact the are easier to market.

In other places they require more “special” shapes. For instance, in Italy many wood fired pizzerias use hard wood briquettes. They prefer to have angles on the briquettes to prevent the briquettes from rolling in the pizza oven. Therefore Triangle, square or octagonal briquettes are very popular here.

So your options vary according to your wishes and your briquetting project.

Solbjergvej 19
DK-9574 Baelum
Tel: +45 9833 7400
CVR: DK21483974
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