The conversions below helps converting typical measures used around the world.
The conversions below helps converting typical measures used around the world.
Typical Conversions | |||
Area | Square m | Square km | Square foot |
1.000.000 | 1 | 10.763.910 | |
Volume | Cubic meter | Liter | Gallon (UK) |
1 | 1.000 | 220 | |
Weight | KG | Ton | Pounds |
1.000 | 1 | 2.200 | |
Distance | KM | M | Inches |
1 | 1.000 | 39.370 |
Typical Conversions | |||
Density (solid) | Cubic meter | Cubic foot | Cubic foot |
At solid density 1,0 | 1.000 kg | 29kg | 64lb |
Density (solid) | Cubic meter | Cubic foot | Cubic foot |
At solid density 0,9 | 900kg | 26kg | 57lb |
Density (Bulk) (Example) | Cubic meter | Cubic foot | Cubic foot |
600kg | 17kg | 37lb | |
Density (Bulk) (Example) | Cubic meter | Cubic foot | Cubic foot |
500kg | 14kg | 31lb |