Agricultural waste as raw material for briquetting

All over the world, various agricultural resources are produced in millions of tons annually. This means that the industry generates large quantities of residues, which are rarely utilized for other purposes than being left in fields to rot or to be burned. In Europe, the ban for burning crops in the fields has led to alternative uses of the residues. However, in ‘new’ countries, the situation is different. Even though some large countries such as China and India are making initiatives to convert agricultural waste into valuable fuel, this is not the case in most Asian and African countries. The majority of agricultural waste is thus still left in fields to rot - or burnt. This does not only have a negative impact on the environment due to pollution, but it can also affect human health. If some of this agricultural waste was briquetted and utilized as a source of clean and renewable energy, instead of wood or charcoal, it could have both environmental - and health benefits. Briquettes from agricultural waste can be used for cooking purposes, for fuels to generate heat, steam or electricity.

Agricultural briquettes - A profitable source of energy

Agricultural waste has a low heating value per unit volume. By densifying the raw material through the briquetting process, it will turn into a high density and energy concentrated fuel. This makes the briquettes a profitable and durable source of energy for various purposes.

At C.F. Nielsen we are experts in briquetting solutions. We are passionate about finding - and producing the best possible solutions for our customers. We offer both ready-made smaller solutions and complete customized plants for larger productions. 

There are various benefits from investing in a briquetting solution for agricultural waste from C.F. Nielsen. Some of these are:

  • The briquetting presses take low investment and give a fast pay-back
  • Equipment for handling agricultural waste is generally cheaper than equipment for handling alternative raw materials such as wood.
  • We can customize our solutions to fit various raw materials and their properties
  • Agricultural residues such as straw, husks and bagasse often cause a higher wear to equipment due to the higher contents of ash. Our briquetting presses and lines contain accessories that are especially produced for high-wear raw material.

We always make sure to guide our customers in accordance with their needs and the capacities of their productions. Our deep knowledge about briquetting of agricultural waste materials enables us to guide and supervise customers with various needs to get the best possible solution.


Briquetting agricultural waste - An important step for the environment

As we have mentioned before, agricultural waste products such as straw, husks and bagasse constitute a great alternative to coal and other fossil fuels. As the issue with environmental changes has become increasingly important, we constantly seek to create solutions that do not strain the environment as much as fossil fuels. By utilizing agricultural materials in ‘new countries’ one will not only contribute to the community by offering a cheap and accessible source of energy, but one will also minimize the CO2 pollution by taking the excess materials out of the fields, where they will rot, and thus offer a durable source of energy.

At C.F.Nielsen we always try to innovate and produce solutions that support global development. We are passionate about providing productions with opportunities to utilize all of their resources - also the excess material.
Read more about the different raw materials from agriculture, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Contact us

At C.F. Nielsen, we are passionate about helping our customers make most of their waste material. We are experts in briquetting solutions, and we are more than willing to help you find the best possible solution for your production, regardless of the raw material, you are working with.
Round straw bales

Straw briquettes in Romania

In Romania we have delivered a straw briquetting plant to a local municipality, where the briquettes will be used for sales to district heating plants and consumers.

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DK-9574 Baelum
Tel: +45 9833 7400
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