Non-biomass Waste as raw material for briquetting.

There are various raw materials suitable for briquetting, not only within the wood or agricultural segment but also within the non-biomass waste industry. Here at C.F. Nielsen, we have tested and sold briquetting presses for many different projects with non-biomass waste as raw material.

We have gathered a selection of the different raw materials in the Waste/ Non-biomass category in the boxes below. If you do not see your specific raw material, feel free to reach out to our sales department, as they can help you determine whether your raw material is suitable for briquetting.

Do you want to test your raw material?

Here at C.F. Nielsen, we have tested many different raw materials, both within the wood, agricultural, and waste/non-biomass sectors. The C.F. Nielsen briquetting presses are all custom-built in terms of our different dies and pistons, with a test of your specific raw material we can determine the best solution for your specific raw materials. Thereby, we can custom-fit our briquetting presses to your needs. If you want us to test your raw materials, please contact our sales teams here.

Men at work

Turn raw waste materials into a sustainable energy source.

There are usually two main purposes for briquetting non-biomass waste – either it is for volume reduction or for fuel purposes. Raw materials within the waste/non-biomass sector can be quite hard to handle both in terms of storage and transportation. Therefore, by briquetting the raw materials you reduce the volume of your raw material making it easier to store or handle in transportation, thereby reducing the cost of getting rid of your waste material.

Another valuable purpose of briquetting your non-biomass waste – is to transform your raw waste material into a sustainable energy source. Waste briquettes can be used for fuel in industrial boilers.

Isolation raw material
Isolation - Raw Material
Isolation briquettes
Isolations Briquettes

Contact us

At C.F. Nielsen, we are passionate about helping our customers make most of their waste material. We are experts in briquetting solutions, and we are more than willing to help you find the best possible solution for your production, regardless of the raw material, you are working with.

A Danish Collaboration Providing Global Inspiration

As a furniture manufacturer, Carl Hansen & Søn produces 4-5 tons of wood residues daily.
This was a strenuous task on both Carl Hansen & Søn and the environment, costing both money and unnecessary carbon emissions from the trucks.

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