Paper briquettes

We have tested several types of paper waste and installed numerous plants. Raw material includes paper dust, adhesive paper, bank notes, old magazines, cardboard etc.

Generally, most raw materials are dry – with fairly low moisture; however, the structure and type of paper based waste varies considerably, so it is important to test the raw material – as the quality and capacity will vary from type to type.

Requirements for raw material

  • Particle size has to be less than 15x5x3 mm,
  • Moisture content of the raw material should be in the range 6 – 16%

Contact us

At C.F. Nielsen, we are passionate about helping our customers make most of their waste material. We are experts in briquetting solutions, and we are more than willing to help you find the best possible solution for your production, regardless of the raw material, you are working with.

0,5-1,3 t/h Combining sales and production of shavings with briquettes

In the U.K. there is a large market for producing and selling bedding for horses. Most of the bedding is made from shavings from softwood. The shavings have to be clean from dust, so the dust is removed during the processing of the shavings.

One of our customers in the U.K. has decided to utilize the left over dust from the production of shavings to produce briquettes for consumers.

Solbjergvej 19
DK-9574 Baelum
Tel: +45 9833 7400
CVR: DK21483974
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