Beech wood

Beechwood is a high-quality hardwood that grows in most parts of the world. It is valued for its high energy content and ability to burn cleanly and consistently. This, combined with low ash content, means that beech wood possesses some of the best attributes for making high-quality briquettes with a CF Nielsen briquetting press. Whether you use our mechanical or hydraulic press, the end result of briquetting will normally be excellent if you have dry beech wood available.

Pollmeier Briquettes

C.F. Nielsen's Experience with Beech Wood

C.F. Nielsen has been involved in many ambitious briquetting projects involving beech wood, and we have thorough experience with this wood types. We have sold projects both for consumer and industrial applications. You can produce state-of-the-art briquettes without adding any binders, and normally the result is a great, dark-looking briquette with high density. Its resemblance to a natural wood log after briquetting is highly appealing to markets worldwide.

Pizza Briquettes: The New Standard

The high density of the finished briquettes means that they will burn for a long time and create a lot of heat. These two parameters are exactly what you need when you want to make the perfect pizza. This is why beech wood briquettes made on CF Nielsen briquetting presses are becoming a standard to be used in stone ovens in Italian pizzerias. In response to customer demand, we are frequently asked if our presses can be delivered with custom shapes. This not only serves marketing purposes but also offers the practical advantage of preventing rolling in the pizza oven. In the past, we have delivered presses with various die shapes such as round, square, pentagonal, octagonal, and many more. If you have beechwood available and you are considering briquetting, please contact us. 

Learn more about pizza briquettes here. 

Contact us

At C.F. Nielsen, we are passionate about helping our customers make most of their waste material. We are experts in briquetting solutions, and we are more than willing to help you find the best possible solution for your production, regardless of the raw material, you are working with.

0,5-1,3 t/h Combining sales and production of shavings with briquettes

In the U.K. there is a large market for producing and selling bedding for horses. Most of the bedding is made from shavings from softwood. The shavings have to be clean from dust, so the dust is removed during the processing of the shavings.

One of our customers in the U.K. has decided to utilize the left over dust from the production of shavings to produce briquettes for consumers.

Solbjergvej 19
DK-9574 Baelum
Tel: +45 9833 7400
CVR: DK21483974
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