Willow Briquettes

Willow trees mainly grow in cold and temperate regions and often on moist soils, in most cases, willow is very fast growing and is therefore often being used as an energy crop. Just a few years after planting willow, it can be cut totally down and used for energy purposes such as willow briquettes. The willow will regrow in 2 – 4 years and even spread further and can then again be harvested. This could be done 6 – 10 times before a new willow tree must be planted.

Willow briketter

Carbon neutral or even Carbon negative?

Willow is considered a carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative crop. It absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere during its growth, and when used as a biofuel, it releases only the carbon it previously captured, making it a more environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels.

Raw Material

CF Nielsen's Experience with Willow Briquettes

CF Nielsen has been involved in some briquetting projects involving willow briquettes, and we have experience with this wood species. We have sold projects but mainly for consumer applications. Normally good quality willow briquettes can be produced without adding any binders, and normally the result is a great, dark-looking briquette with high density for efficient, warm, and visually appealing fires.

Willow is really an interesting biomass for briquetting and for future renewable energy!

Solbjergvej 19
DK-9574 Baelum
Tel: +45 9833 7400

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